Sunday, April 21, 2013

Kuomboka 2013, Mongu Zambia

Mutozi Chwani (how are you in Lozi)?

 It's finally hitting me how much I'm going to miss Zambia! Kuomboka Festival was absolutely incredible, breathtaking, and Zambian. Kuomboka is Lozi (one of 73 Zambian languages) for "get out of water." The first part of the ceremony took place on an island, which was a 30 minute speed boat ride away from the harbour. You can walk to this island during the dry season! We were met with the guest of honor, Guy Scott (Zambia's Vice President). There were traditional dances (I have video at the bottom of the blog!), and we saw off the King and Queen. Around 18 we met at one of the docks to watch the King dock. The King docks three times, because (a long time ago) when the Lozi people were finding safe ground they spotted land, docked, turned around, docked again, turned around and then docked for a third and final time after seeing that it was safe. I was brought to tears during the final ceremony, because I was in complete awe of how beautiful Zambia is from the people to the landscape to the ALWAYS beautiful sunset.

20 miles of the ride was through the Kafue National Park! We saw many antelope and some zebras!!

Please enjoy the photos! Zicomo

The Harbour

The elders doing a traditional dance

Guy Scott, Zambia's Vice President

The Queen's boat

It is a HUGE honor to paddle for the King


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's the final countdown! 20 Days Left!

SHANI! I have some photos from the past couple weeks. I'm going to post more from the Kitwe dam in the next couple days.

Please enjoy.

Saw this on a friend's Facebook

GambaGamba and Kilem. Had drum lessons in Lusaka, for Mine's birthday!

Another favorite tree! 

Kitwe dam with Phillippa and Mama Chadd! Fantastic Sunday 

Off the speedboat!


Not sure what this critter is, but it's so cute! Don't touch them though, their fur gets stuck in your clothes and skin and causes rashes.

I've been taking the mini bus in Lusaka! The congestion is out of this world, but the minibus drivers sure know how to navigate around it!

Joanne's birthday breakfast!

Some crazy/beautiful flowers

Walking to Reedbuck 8 and had to take a photo. This bush is everywhere in Zambia, but is striking every time. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mosi Oa Tunya Falls Part 2 (Victoria Falls)

 Mosi Falls aka Victoria Falls was number ONE on my list of things to see again before I head home. I'm so glad I got to see the Smoke That Thunders right after rainy season. There was SO much water!! I have a few photos from the Zimbabwe side. I 100% agree that everyone should visit both sides. I have a slight bias towards the Zambia side, but there are parts of the Zimbabwe side where you can see the ENTIRE falls. Unfortunately Mosi was thundering so much that there was very little visibility. Gorgeous none the less. 

Sunset Cruise on the Upper Zambezi

Saw some Elephant friends on the sunset cruise

Zimbabwe side

On both the Zimbabwe and Zambia side of the bridge

Zimbabwe side 

Zimbabwe side

Zambia side right after sunset

On the Zambia/Zimbabwe bridge

Favorite spot on the falls (Zambia side)

Zimbabwe side